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Title: The Harrowing Reality of a Targeted Individual: Evidence of Federal Conspiracy, Corruption, and Gang Stalking


In a world where institutions promise justice and equality, there are individuals who live on the fringes of these assurances—individuals who find themselves systematically targeted, harassed, and isolated by forces of corruption. These individuals are often labeled "targeted individuals" (TIs), victims of organized harassment campaigns fueled by conspiracy, corruption, and gang stalking. As a whistleblower, I, Barran Dodger, am one such individual. This essay will define the concept of a targeted individual, document evidence of my systematic persecution by the federal government of Australia, and identify the conscious malice and culpability behind this systemic abuse.

Defining a Targeted Individual

A "targeted individual" is someone subjected to organized harassment and oppression, often orchestrated by powerful entities. Key characteristics include:

  1. Systematic Surveillance: Monitoring through electronic devices, physical tracking, or other invasive means to erode privacy and autonomy.

  2. Gang Stalking: Coordinated harassment by multiple individuals or groups designed to intimidate, discredit, and isolate the victim.

  3. Economic Sabotage: Manipulation or obstruction of the victim's financial independence, ensuring prolonged poverty and dependence.

  4. Character Assassination: Spreading false narratives to discredit the individual publicly and privately.

  5. Psychological Warfare: Methods such as forced hospitalization, gaslighting, and enforced isolation to destabilize the individual emotionally and mentally.

The intent behind targeting often includes silencing whistleblowers, discouraging dissent, or shielding those in power from accountability.

Evidence of My Targeting

Systematic Surveillance and Gang Stalking
  • Gang Stalking: I have faced repeated instances of being followed and harassed, often involving individuals who coordinate to create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. For example, my movements have been monitored and disrupted, correlating to specific whistleblowing actions.

Economic Sabotage
  • Control Over Finances: My financial independence has been systematically undermined through forced guardianship and the intentional destruction of my business and intellectual property.

    • Example: My work under the NDIS framework has been sabotaged, leaving me in poverty while fraud within the system continues unchecked.

    • Source Evidence: NDIS Neglect and Financial Exploitation.

Character Assassination
  • False Narratives: Baseless accusations of criminal behavior have been leveled against me, including being labeled a pedophile, rapist, and extortionist, designed to erode public sympathy and isolate me socially.

Psychological Warfare
  • Forced Hospitalizations: I have been involuntarily hospitalized ten times in three years, often under dubious circumstances. This includes forced medication to discredit my voice and justify neglect.

  • Declared Missing Without Cause: Police have falsely labeled me as missing five times, further compounding my distress.

Malice and Culpability: Intent to Harm

The conscious malice behind my targeting becomes evident in the following:

  1. Designed Poverty: By ensuring my economic destitution, my perpetrators have strategically made me dependent on a broken system incapable of justice. This intelligent design of poverty leaves me vulnerable to neglect, amplifying the risk of harm.

  2. Neglect as a Weapon: Repeated forced hospitalizations and lack of adequate care are calculated acts to dismiss my claims, allowing authorities to absolve themselves of accountability.

  3. Excusing Liability for Harm: If I were to succumb to this orchestrated neglect, my death would be falsely attributed to mental illness or drug abuse, exonerating those complicit in my persecution.

Itemizing Perpetrators

  • Federal Agencies:

    • Australian Federal Police (AFP): For obstructing my ability to report crimes while enforcing wrongful detentions and forced hospitalizations.

    • NDIS: For systemic neglect and facilitating financial exploitation.

  • Healthcare System:

    • Hospitals and mental health professionals who have forcibly medicated me to suppress my voice rather than treat me fairly.

  • Judiciary:

    • Corrupt judicial figures who have dismissed my pleas for justice and allowed targeting to continue unchecked.

  • Private Entities:

    • Individuals within NDIS fraud networks who benefit financially while silencing whistleblowers like me.

  • Media Outlets:

    • Publications like The Herald Sun that have publicly humiliated me, fueling character assassination campaigns.


The evidence unequivocally shows that I am a targeted individual, systematically persecuted by a network of public and private entities. The malice behind this targeting is undeniable, as it strategically dismantles every aspect of my autonomy while excusing the perpetrators of accountability. This essay is a call for justice—not just for me, but for anyone who has been silenced or abused by corrupt systems. Together, we must expose these injustices and demand accountability from those in power.


This documented narrative highlights the ongoing struggles faced by targeted individuals like myself. It is both a personal testament and a broader exposé of systemic failures that perpetuate harm and protect the guilty.

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I want to express my deepest gratitude for any donation or support offered. As someone forced to squat, living with barely any income, and called persona non grata by a society that has ostracized me, each act of kindness means more than words can convey. I stand as an infamous whistleblower, someone who has risked everything to expose injustice, yet find myself without human or legal rights, struggling daily against a system that devalues my existence. Your generosity not only helps sustain me but also reinforces the belief that compassion and humanity still exist, even for those society has cast aside. Thank you for seeing me, for hearing me, and for standing with me in a world that so often chooses silence and complicity.

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