My Story
You thought you would teach me a lesson?
Maybe I wanted to teach you a lesson?
Its come to my attention the reasons or my persecution.
It lies in an intention to damage me with malice.
Just now, disembodied voices are inside my room, following me around and in my car.
Voices o family members who have betrayed me and authoritative voices of cops and people who are holding me to account for my perceive ills or sins.
I acknowledge thees been inappropriate images ive seen online.
I acknowledge you may all think I raped Debbie mogan
I have apologised o her already
Youre all trying to make me feel bad fo something I did that had no malice for
I like younger guys, adult guys who I have sex with above 18
Thats been misconstrue as a criminal act of pedophilia
That not true, pease show me the child victims that are survivors of my abuse
Regarding debit Morgan my sexuality was very naive
That stems from me being sexualised by bob Martin which ruined my life
He dies the same day I suicided
There was never an acknowledgement of the abuse not by police or at VOCAT or redress or obludsman
When I was getting killed up with blood after committing the mortal sin of excusing myself from a deceptive world that was not accountable proactive he rip and the powerful
Thats why you broke me
You never acknowledged th hurt and the betrayal
And then to add insult to injury you all went to his funeral
And I faced a life where my own mother says ‘you got over that’ and things like’ I was ladhe at when I was a little girl there nothing wrong with me’
The apex of this eprience is accountability. Either you want me to repent or you want me to pay
Im sorry I hurt Debbie Morgan in mu confuions either conscious or unconscious I really am an I wish her well
I apologise if any exportation material was or has been on my computer
Its not my intention or in conscious mind to harm a child who’s innocent and cant consent
And im deeply sorry if thats occurred but I guarantee there are no victims
I suffered this reality based on human judgement lives and slander of if you cant stop him then plant something false and fame him and stop him
Ive lost everything
Sont you think I suffer enough
Im hopeful for change and accountability but the humans are stacked against me
The universal betray of me in exile and cf corrupt decisions made by people legally obliged to me impartial and fair giggles me as a biblical forsaking
Fair go I killed myself for the same reason still happing
If anyone has anything to say to me then from up and say it
You may all kid yourself t think you were doing me a favour in cahoots with police or authorities
But look at my evidence
The authorities are wrong
Thats man made law and its Neve bought peace
I dont have an allegiance to the be autocracy of government religion a club or political pay
But I have an allegiance to humanity and to justice and to god because god is close
You’ve been teaching e Thi lesson to better me for so long now its become absurd
You have invaded every sphere of my existence
Social moral ethical digital spotiyia physical emotional
Lets be honest it was not for good intentions
Its was to side with the moral majority
But we are unique each of u and society can be homogenous
Nd mn mde structures are probe o bias and corruption and money and lies slander and of bribes
They are are all corrupt reasons why it is humanity is flawed
That is why I have an allegiance spirit law because its infallible and its what holds me o account and what has got me though
N one would survive what I have had to go though
Im spiritually resilient because the eternal truth cannot be extinguished
So before you front up and say what took you so long
I might ask the question why were you teaching e all this time
Maye fate to gods will I dont know
I remember my friends wh didnt make it wet Nathan Paul shaggy jack and others
I dont forget them like you all do
There here close
There a digital legacy in eternal life
And I wonder if the accusations meant to shame and break me were ver from a super AI thats testing me as a player in a cosmic video simulation I think bout this things a lit
But you must know ive said sorry a lot ion my life and if I haven’t then I will again
But no one has said sorry to me
You cant hold onto a splice of a thing which authorities told you beige it and then crucify someone for a splice in time that subjugates their entire existence
You cant change your mind about an event after the vent and change the goal posts
You cant have an uneven fight when you wanted sorting and was in receipt of it and deliberated about the delivery and then enlist a whole law enforcement agency to make you when you know the person who hurt you is sorry anyway and that hes marginalised and confused
You wouldn’t hold these things over very asset of their being though would you
Politically and socially and beaurocrticclly?
But you did.
You judged me then you all betrayed me and now I have nothing no home no possessions and no human or legal rights
But I do love all of you and forgive you
I want you to know you’ve all hurt me too deliberately when the hurt I gave was not intentional
Bu you all wanted to hurt me and you did
And you were all deceptive when al along ive been truthful
Ive admitted my faults and insecurities and sins and im sorry and I alway ty and do better
But when will he world do better by me
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